2025 PCIA Inter-Pacific Exchange - Hosted by Australia

We are delighted to announce that the 2025 PCIA Inter-Pacific Exchange will be hosted by Australia, with events taking place in Sydney and Melbourne from September 21 to October 5, 2025. This prestigious event invites pony club nations from around the Pacific Rim, including Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, and the United States. 

Each team will consist of four riders, one team manager, and one coach. Participants will gather in Sydney on September 21 to settle in before the official start of the IPE and the Welcome Dinner on the following day. 

Australia aims to host three competitions during the exchange, including The Kangaroo Cup and the Nation’s Cup Showjumping Competition. The official tour will conclude on the morning of October 5. 

The tour will be based in the cities of Sydney and Melbourne and will include various cultural and sightseeing opportunities.  

We have completed a budget and can confirm the financial contributions for Riders and Areas. The contribution cost for each rider is approximately $4300 with the Area Contribution being $1,000 for Riders and $500 for Coach or Manager selected from their Area. 

Attached Information for Area's - Area Selection, Rider Participation Agreement, Selection Criteria Process and Guidelines, Coaches Attestation, Character Reference and Area Selection Statistics Information Form. 

All necessary forms for applicants are available online at our updated link: New Zealand Pony Club - Inter Pacific 

Please ensure Area selection is completed by May 20, 2025, and all applications must be received to the Chief Executive by June 1, 2025. 

Checklist for Returning the Candidate's Application Form: 

For the application to be valid, the following information must be returned to NZPCA by June 1, 2025: 

  • Candidate's Application Form 

  • Rider Participation and Indemnity Agreement 

  • An emailed headshot photo of the candidate 

  • Video footage of the ridden part of the selection 

  • Area selection statistics information form 

(Note: The checklist must be checked off by the Area Secretary prior to emailing the application form. The Area Secretary must also check that the application form has been correctly filled in, including all required signatures.) 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Lizzie Turnbull   


  • Jeremy Thurston - WW

  • Samantha Megchelse - TAR

  • Quinn Coutts - OS

  • Dylan Bibby - HB

  • Reserve - Isabella Wyllie - CANT​​​​​​​

NZPCA 2019 Inter Pacific Team 2nd behind USA


1st - USA

2nd - New Zealand

3rd - Australia

4th - Canada

5th - Hong Kong.