For Championship Rules and Regulations, please see the Technical and Events tab.
For the Rules and Regulations of specific competitions, please refer to their respective page under Technical and Events.
Competitions are held at Branch, Club and Area levels which culminate in National Championship shows and cover both North and South Islands.
There are classes for both individuals and teams and you can complete in different disciplines including:
as well as NZPCA First Start- An introduction to competitive riding.
NZPCA Event Official List
Part of the current MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) with ESNZ is that we contribute financially to the training of ESNZ officials annually. With this mind the NZPCA Board have decided to discontinue the NZPCA Event Official List. We encourage you to use ESNZ officials where possible and if running a event that utilises Cross Country fences, Officials on the Current ESNZ lists must be used. This is a requirement under our Health and Safety Policies and for Insurance requirements. This is effective immediately. You can find a list of ESNZ Officials here.
The NZPCA has developed the brand guidelines below for all affiliated Branches, Clubs and Areas to enjoy our updated branding.
Individual files of each logo are available from the NZPCA Head Office. Email
The NZPCA membership Levy for the year 2024/25 will be:
Riding Member under 18
Riding Member 18-25
Horsemasters (Adult Riders)
Adult Member
Technical Member
Casual Member
No Charge
No Charge
The NZPCA membership Levy for the year 2025/26 will be:
Effective on 1 May 2025.
Riding Member under 18
Riding Member 18-25
Horsemasters (Adult Riders)
Adult Member
Technical Member
Casual Member
The NZPCA are very excited to be joining ESNZ in their Change the Rein campaign.
Change the Rein is a campaign designed to advocate for a caring, supportive and positive culture in equestrian sport in New Zealand. It is currently being rolled out across the country with more than 100 message boards already sent to events to use and GameChangers awards for people who exhibit the values of the campaign – kindness, support, horse care, gratitude and integrity.
Change the Rein is a technical riding term that means change direction. It became the catchphrase of the campaign due to its reference to a conscious change, in this case relating to behaviour. It has taken off, resonated well with stakeholders and taken on a life of its own.
We will be putting a call out after Christmas for you to send us your GameChangers stories so that we can recognise those good deeds that really make a differnce to your day.
Follow the link below to the ESNZ website for more infomation and lots of downloadable/printable resources
How you can nominate a #GameChanger
#GameChangers is about encouraging people to tell us about acts of kindness or helpfulness by NZCA Pony Club members that made a difference to someone’s day. So, please keep your eyes and ears open when you’re out and about and nominate someone you witness doing something kind, supportive, helpful for someone (or a horse) that demonstrates the sort of inclusive, supportive, safe and friendly culture we’re working towards with Change the Rein. We will make sure people are aware of what great people we have in our sport.
If you want to nominate an NZPCA #GameChanger, this is what you do:
Please email to the following information (#GameChangers in the subject line):